YouTube Update: Are YouTube channels being shut down due to fake strikes? A case of fake lawyers sending strikes has surfaced..
Just imagine, you have worked hard for years and have added millions of followers to your YouTube channel and the channel is also getting a lot of views, and one day your videos get deleted…? What will you do? If this happens to anyone, then that YouTuber will lose sleep at night, now recently a similar case has come to light, and a fake Nintendo lawyer is scaring YouTubers.
What is the whole matter?
The Verge report revealed that in late September, Dominik Domtendo Neumayer, who is a Vlogger, got an email that upset him a lot. He started uploading videos of The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom series on his YouTube channel but now all these videos suddenly disappeared from his channel.
YouTube explained that some of your videos have been removed, and the email also said that now you will get copyright strikes. He is now just one copyright strike away from losing his 17-year-old channel and over 1.5 million subscribers.
Domatendo was a little confused from the beginning because the strike made no sense. Like countless other creators, Domatendo specializes in Let's Play videos. The email said that the next copyright strike will shut down your channel. An email like this would scare anyone who has worked to grow their channel for years.
YouTube received a request that justifies these takedowns under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and was signed by Tatsumi Masaki of the Nintendo Legal Department (Nintendo of America).
What does YouTube say?
Fake takedowns are real, and YouTube says that about 6 percent of requests coming through the public web form are fake. Fighting against fake takedowns can cost creators time and money.
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