You can book train tickets in these ways, full guarantee of getting a confirmed seat.
Confirm Train Ticket Booking: Tickets are not confirmed on the train. So we will tell you such a way by which you will increase the chances of getting a guaranteed confirmed ticket. Let's know what is its method.
Confirm Train Ticket Booking: Crores of people travel by train every day in India. For which the railway runs thousands of trains. The train journey is very comfortable and convenient. That is why most people prefer to go by train. While traveling by train, most people prefer to travel by making reservations.
But many times people do not get confirmed tickets. People's tickets get in waiting, due to which they have to face trouble. But today we will tell you such a way by which you will increase the chances of getting a guaranteed confirmed ticket. So let's know what is its method.
Confirm Ticket App
Normally when people have to book tickets online, they book through IRCTC app or IRCTC website. But many times while booking tickets here, you do not get a confirmed ticket. Keeping this in mind, IRCTC has started a confirmed ticket app. You can also download this app.
And can use it on Android or iOS. Or you can also book tickets by visiting its official website Here you have to select the route and you will find all the trains on that route. If you do not get a confirmed ticket here, you can also get a confirmed ticket by paying an extra charge.
You can also use Tatkal and Prem Tatkal
Normally if you are not getting a confirmed ticket on IRCTC's app or website, then you can use Tatkal booking on IRCTC's website and app. If you want to book an AC ticket in the morning, then you can use the Tatkal option at 10 am. For the same sleeper, you can book as soon as it is 11 am.
But if you have to book a ticket immediately in an emergency. So for that you can use Premium Tatkal. However, for this you will have to pay more money than Tatkal. The fare of Premium Tatkal ticket keeps increasing like the airline ticket.