Windows 10: 3.2 crore computers will become junk this year, there is only one way to save yourself..
If you also have a laptop or computer that has Windows 10, then there is big news for you. Microsoft has decided to end support for Windows 10. Microsoft has announced that the 10-year-old operating system Windows 10 will be discontinued on October 14, 2025. This means that the company will no longer release free security updates for Windows 10 users, after which users may face new security threats, data leaks, and malware attacks.
Security threats will increase.
The end of support for Windows 10 will cause problems for both personal and business users. After this announcement by Microsoft, IT security expert Thorsten Urbanski said that all users should immediately switch to Windows 11 or an alternative operating system to avoid a major security failure in 2025.
He warned that waiting till October 2025 could make users extremely vulnerable to cyber-attacks and data leaks. Currently, about 65% of computers (about 32 million) in Germany are using Windows 10, while only 33% of devices (about 16.5 million) are on Windows 11. More than 32 million users will be affected by this decision of Microsoft.
What to do?
It is better for Windows 10 users to upgrade to Windows 11 or switch to another operating system. If you are more concerned about security, then it would be better for you to switch to a safer option like Linux.
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