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Who has hacked your phone? This is the perfect way to know


Nowadays, mobile is not limited to just calling and messaging, etc. Now mobile has become a smartphone, which does many things including the internet, online payment, etc.

Nowadays, smartphones also have a camera, through which photos and videos can be recorded. Now the question arises whether cyber criminals can also access the camera of our phones.

The answer is yes, in which many cyber criminals install spyware apps or any malware. With this, those hackers can easily hack the phone camera and harm it.

Today we are going to tell you the ways to protect yourself from such hacking and spying. There is a special feature in Android phones, with the help of which users can easily see when the camera is being used.

Nowadays when the camera and mic are on in an Android phone, a light is seen on the right side on the top corner of its display, or the icon of the camera/mic will be visible.

If you are not using the camera, but still you see a camera or dot icon on the top side of your mobile screen, then understand that your mobile has been hacked.

To avoid this, you can use the mobile settings, where you can check the permissions of every app. If you see any suspicious app, then remove it.

For example, if there is an app whose job is to provide a voice recording facility only, then it is not necessary to give it access to the camera.

Users should be careful with such apps. Many apps work on the target of hackers, they can steal your data.