WhatsApp Update: WhatsApp will turn white in daylight and black at night, what is this amazing feature..
Whatsapp is used by millions of users around the world. Apart from sharing photos and videos, many other things can be done here. Users spend most of their time on WhatsApp. In such a situation, seeing the same theme sometimes makes one feel bored. To avoid this, Whatsapp offers some great features that can make your user experience fun.
Here we are going to tell you about a feature that after enabling it, the theme of Whatsapp will remain white in daylight, while the look of Whatsapp will become black at night.
The feature is special for the eyes.
This feature of Whatsapp can prove to be useful for those users who spend most of their time here, especially at night. While using WhatsApp at night, high brightness can harm the eyes. To keep yourself safe from this, you should use WhatsApp with the dark theme at night. By enabling this setting, your eyes will get less tired and the battery will also be consumed less. Also, WhatsApp will look different from others.
How to use
This feature of WhatsApp is called Dark Theme. If you enable it, the theme of WhatsApp will become black. This is very useful for those who use WhatsApp at night. Some settings have to be done to turn it on.
Open WhatsApp and tap on the three dots in the top right corner.
There will be a setting option below, click on it.
After this, click on Chats.
Now there will be three options here - Dark, Light, or System Default. You have to select the dark mode according to the night.
If you want to run WhatsApp on a white theme, then click on Light. If you want, you can also keep the system default.
Users can use this feature according to their needs. The amazing thing is that it is very easy to turn this feature on and off. Apart from this, you can also set your favorite wallpaper through the chat option. For this, you just have to click on the wallpaper put your favorite photo, and save it. Some customized wallpapers are also available in it.