WhatsApp Tips: Star important messages on WhatsApp like this..
You may be using WhatsApp for chatting or other purposes. WhatsApp is working on many features these days. WhatsApp has crores of active users all over the world, including India.
But still, many people do not know about every feature of this platform. Most of the users using WhatsApp do not know how to start messages. Know the details ahead. You can use the star feature to remember a special message on WhatsApp. To use the star feature on the social media platform, first open WhatsApp. After this, open the chat in which you want to start the message.
After doing this, press that particular message for a while, and then the star option will appear on the top of the screen. After this, click on the star option. After doing this, that message will be starred. To see that message, you will have to go to the starred message.