WhatsApp Tips: Fear of WhatsApp data leaking is haunting, keep your chat safe with these tips..

WhatsApp is used for chatting in many countries including India. Through this popular app, users can easily send text, images, videos, and audio content. This platform is completely free. In such a situation, the social media platform provides many features for the privacy protection of its users, so that the data of the users remains safe. Know further through which tips users can keep their WhatsApp content safe.
Disappearing message
If users feel that someone is keeping an eye on their chats and conversations, then users can take advantage of the disappearing messages feature. Under this feature, all the chats of the users automatically get deleted after a certain time. In this, users get the option of 24 hours, 7 days, and 90 days.
Turn on the chat lock
Users can take the help of the Chatlock feature to make their chats more secure. After starting this feature, no one can gain illegal access to the device. Under this feature, users can secure any private chat or important conversation through chatlock.
End-to-end encryption default
WhatsApp provides an end-to-end encryption feature to its users by default. With the help of this feature, all the chats of the users remain safe. By keeping this feature on, WhatsApp itself cannot read users' chats.
Spam Protection
To protect the content of users, the company has introduced the Silence Unknown Caller feature against unknown and spam calls. This feature protects users from any scam. It also keeps the IP address safe during calls.
Encrypted cloud backup
To keep users' backup content safe, an encrypted cloud backup feature is available. With the help of this feature, users' cloud backup remains safe from other companies.
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