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WhatsApp Tips- Whatsapp will be banned, do not make these mistakes even by mistake


In this digital world, smartphones are an important part of our lives and WhatsApp is the most popular instant messaging app in the world. It has more than 3 billion users all over the world, and WhatsApp introduces new features for these users. If you use WhatsApp, then you should not make these mistakes even by mistake, otherwise, WhatsApp can be banned, know about these mistakes-

Using third-party apps: WhatsApp strictly prohibits the use of third-party apps that modify its functionality.

Chatting under someone else's identity, whether it is a fake account or using another person's details, is against WhatsApp's policy and you can be banned.

Sending messages to unknown people: Sending mass messages to unknown contacts, especially unsolicited messages, is a violation. You can be banned from doing this.

Being reported by multiple users: If multiple people report you for inappropriate behavior or spamming, WhatsApp may suspend or ban your account to protect others.

Threatening messages: Sending threatening, abusive, or harmful messages to any user may result in an immediate ban. WhatsApp takes such violations seriously.

Sharing offensive content: Sending offensive, harmful, or inappropriate videos, messages, or media may result in your account being banned.

Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from [abplivehindi].