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Whatsapp Tips: The person for whom you posted your Whatsapp status will have to see it, just do this small thing..

social media

You put a status for someone on WhatsApp, but many times that person is not able to see it. Now under the new feature, the person for whom you have put the status will definitely see it.

A new feature on WhatsApp

Many such new updates have come in WhatsApp, which were earlier available only on Instagram. Recently a new feature has been launched for WhatsApp status.

Mention feature in WhatsApp Status.

Mention feature has come in WhatsApp Status like Instagram. In this, you can mention the person for whom you are putting the status.

Update WhatsApp

To use the mention feature in WhatsApp Status, first of all go to Google Play Store and update WhatsApp.

Select @ option

Upload WhatsApp status. After this, the option of @ will come in the text box, select it.

Select the contact

Click on the @ option, and select the contact you want to tag.

Upload Status
After selecting the name, upload the status. The person you have tagged will get a notification.

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