india employmentnews

What is the salary of the DM of any district, and how much is the appraisal every year?

Today, we will provide you with all the information, from the collector's salary to his appraisal, in detail so that the rest of the people who want this post can be more motivated.


A District Magistrate (DM) or District Magistrate is an IAS officer who is responsible for the entire district. There is no administrative officer higher than the DM in a district unless that district is the division headquarters. To get this post, one has to cross a difficult path like the UPSC civil examination. But have you ever wondered how much the salary of a DM i.e. Collector? If you do not know, then today we will give you all the information from the salary of the collector to his appraisal in detail. So that the rest of the people who want to get this post can be motivated more.

Who is DM

DM is an administrative post of the Government of India which starts from the district level and goes further to become the Secretary of the Ministry and then the Secretary to the Prime Minister. But if we talk about the DM of a district, then there are many responsibilities under him, while discharging which he gets a lot of experience. For this, a DM is given a hefty salary and other allowances by the government. An IAS officer starts getting a monthly salary of Rs 50 thousand during training itself. But when he later becomes the DM of a district, this salary can be from 1 lakh to 1.25 lakh rupees.

This much salary is received.

Let us tell you that the salary of the District Magistrate (DM) of a district depends on his post, experience, and the recommendations of the Pay Commission. DMs are usually IAS officers, and their salary is determined according to the 7th Pay Commission. However, now the government is going to implement the 8th Pay Commission. The basic salary of a DM is Rs 56,100 to Rs 2,50,000 per month. In this, the grade pay is 16,500 which is at the initial level. Apart from this, dearness allowance, house rent allowance, transport allowance which includes vehicle, driver, etc. Apart from this, the government also provides medical allowance, etc. to the IAS officer.

This is how promotion and appraisal are received.

As far as appraisal is concerned, when an IAS officer becomes a District Collector (DM), he is at level 11 or above. After which promotion takes place every 5-10 years and salary also increases. Based on service records, performance, and appraisal reports of the central or state government, they are promoted to higher posts like commissioner, secretary, and chief secretary. After which their salary goes up to Rs 2 lakh 50 thousand per month.