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UPI Payment Cyber ​​Fraud: Do not transact with any stranger through UPI, otherwise you may get into trouble..

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If you also prefer transactions through UPI. Everywhere you are making payments by scanning the QR code. So all such people need to be careful now. Because many times you also get involved in the transaction process through an unknown person. Then you can be involved in fraud incidents related to cyber crime. Yes, QR codes are being used a lot by cyber fraud to save themselves by dividing the scam money in this way.

Cyber ​​expert Arya Tyagi said that if you do transactions through online mediums, then avoid scanning the QR code of unknown persons. Because many such cases are being seen, who gets UPI done from you or makes you do UPI in the course of cash transactions? With this, they start hiding the scam money. After this, during the investigation, all such people come under the investigation of cyber police. After this, during the investigation, the cyber team seizes the accounts of the concerned people and takes other types of legal action.

Action can be taken in a transaction of Rs 50

Arya Tyagi says that under the transaction process, even if you have taken Rs 50 from UPI, even then your account can be seized. Cyber frauds make a strategy to transfer the money of black money and other crimes to different accounts in this way. They start transferring money to different accounts. Which are considered different layers from the cyber point of view. He said that in this, the first, second, and third layers are considered very serious. After that the layer becomes light, but all those people come under the scope of the investigation, who have taken money in the account.

Keep a record of every transaction history.

Arya says that if we talk about such cases, then the most fraud related to Jan Seva Kendra and Cyber ​​​​Café is being seen. Which many times the account of Jan Seva Kendra is also blocked. Therefore, people using Jan Seva Kendra should also keep all kinds of records related to transactions. So that if they come under investigation in any such case, they can show the record in their defense.

One has to visit the place from where the report was made.

Let us tell you that if we talk about Meerut, then a large number of such complaints are being seen with the cyber cell set up in various police stations of Meerut. Where people have become victims of cyber fraud in the affairs of transactions. If the first layer is traced from the point of view of the investigation, then the role of people sitting from far-flung areas including West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh is seen in it.

Then one has to go to the concerned state and participate in all kinds of processes related to account seizure. In such a situation, caution is the only major defense.

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