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Theft Detection Lock: Smartphone will get locked as soon as it comes in the hands of the thief, this great feature is coming for Android users...

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Now even a thief is going to think 100 times before stealing your phone. Yes, because very soon your smartphone is going to get a powerful feature for security. Users are going to get the Theft Detection Lock Feature on Android phones.

According to the information given in the Google blog, the facility Theft Detection Lock Feature is being introduced for Android phone users.

The device will get locked as soon as the phone is snatched from the hand
This will be an automatic AI-powered screen lock feature. Which will be especially useful when the phone is stolen. This feature will use Google AI to sense that the phone has been snatched from the hand.

As soon as the thief starts running after snatching the phone, the phone will detect the theft with motion. With which the phone screen will be locked immediately.

The phone will remain safe even in the hands of the thief
If your phone remains in the wrong hands for a long time and the thief tries to keep it disconnected for a long time, then also the phone screen will get locked. This will happen automatically with an offline device lock.

To protect the user's personal and banking information, the device screen will also be locked with repeated failed authentication. By sensing such different signs, the Android phone will know that it is in the wrong hands.

When will the new features be available on Android phones?

Actually, Google has provided official information that all these new features can be used with Android 10+ devices.

However, users will have to wait some more time for these features. New features are being brought for Android users by the end of this year.

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