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Texting Manners: If you spend hours on WhatsApp and Instagram, you should know these Texting Manners..

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Until a few years ago, meeting and talking to each other was everyone's first choice, but with time, people's way of talking has changed. Now in the digital age, instead of meeting and talking, just a text is enough. Some even many people do not like to meet, they prefer texting instead of calling or meeting, people who like to talk more by text are called extroverts. Now in such a situation, extrovert people should keep some things in mind before texting. There are some texting manners which if followed while chatting, then obviously the conversation will be better than before.

Learn how to text from 'The Text Book'

What should be done and what should not be done while texting? American author Elizabeth Rossi has explained this well, in her book 'The Text Book', she has mentioned those things which hardly any user would have kept in mind while messaging. Even though these things are very small, but they play an important role while conversing.

There are some points that you should keep in mind while texting.

1. Very long message- If you send long messages in text, then the person in front may get bored. In 'The Text Book', Elizabeth Rossi says that one should always send short messages. There is no point in unnecessarily prolonging a matter that can be finished in one message.

2. Straight talk- Write only important things in the text and that too to the point. Beating things too much in the text gives a negative impression.

3. Take care of the timing- While texting, you should take special care of the timing. Before texting, check what time it is. Is it too late or too early in the morning?

4. Avoid writing short words- Many people have the habit of talking in short words, if they want to send Okay to someone, they will just write K and send it. This may be right to look cool, but according to The Text Book, doing this is not the right way to text.

5. Avoid writing anything in the text- One should avoid writing some things in the text. For example, writing any sensitive information here can have a bad effect. It is also not right to talk about breaking up with someone.

Indians sent 140 billion in 2023
Statista's report shows that on average an Indian spends about 22 hours on WhatsApp every month. Last year, Indians were ahead of many countries in terms of sending messages. In 2023, if text, video, photo, and contact are combined, then we Indians will send 140 billion messages.

The habit of writing short messages...
You will find it interesting to know - only the young generation has the habit of writing short messages, especially Gen Z. Recently, a Reddit post said that Boomers, that is, those people who were born during independence or before that, do not write such messages in the text at all, rather they like to express themselves in detail in the text. On the other hand, newbies prefer to talk in short words on WhatsApp and Instagram.