Telegram Update: Telegram has many features at once, QR code scanner is also available, you can filter messages too..
Telegram has launched several features simultaneously in the new year, after which the instant messaging app has allowed users to convert the gifts received into collectibles, which have special features and can be transferred to others. Apart from this, this update includes an in-app QR code scanner, service message reactions, emojis in folder names, additional message search filters, and other features. The company said that this update should have been the 17th major update of 2024, but could not be launched on time due to "negligence of Apple's review team".
New Features of Telegram
Telegram gave detailed information about these new features in its blog post. According to the company, now the gifts received on Telegram can be upgraded and converted into collectibles. These collectibles can be transferred to other users or put up for auction on the NFT marketplace. Upgrading a gift to a collectible gives it a new look, including custom variations designed by Telegram artists. The company says that collectibles also have secondary traits such as background colors, icons, and numbers, which make each collectible unique and rare.
Service message reactions and search filters
After this update, service messages (such as joining someone's group or sending a gift) now support emoji reactions. In addition, Telegram has introduced additional search filters to make searching more convenient in private and group chats and channels.
Third-party verification and QR code scanner
Telegram has now allowed official third-party services to assign additional verification icons to user accounts and chats. This has been an attempt to increase transparency. If a user gets third-party verification, a small logo will appear near their name, although the company clarified that these third-party verification marks are completely separate from the verification checkmarks given by Telegram to public figures and organizations.
Telegram's in-app camera now has QR code scanning support by default, available on both Android and iOS. This feature allows users to open links directly in their favorite browser, without having to switch apps. Additionally, folders now support custom emojis, allowing premium users to make their folders more expressive.
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