Telegram Update: Scammers will no longer be able to use Telegram, the platform has tightened its security..
Scammers will no longer be able to use Telegram, the platform has increased security. Cases of online scamming and fraud have increased all over the world. Social networking sites and messaging platforms are also not untouched by this. In the recent past, scammers have used platforms like Telegram a lot. Given this, the messaging platform Telegram has implemented a third-party verification system to increase security and transparency. It is designed to deal with scammers and reduce misinformation. In recent years, Telegram has faced criticism for phishing schemes, fake investment channels, cyber-bullying, and many types of fraud. But now, the company has a new verification system that allows public figures and organizations to receive a verified badge, allowing users to quickly identify legitimate sources of information.
To increase transparency, Telegram now supports official third-party services that can assign verification icons to user accounts and chats. This system operates independently of Telegram's existing verification process.
What will the verification mark look like?
Although you have usually seen a blue checkmark, on Telegram, the third-party verification service will not use this traditional blue checkmark. A different kind of icon will be seen to the left of the user's name. For accounts that have been verified by the third-party verification system, you can click on their profile to learn about the verification service.
Verified accounts will be marked, giving users confidence in their authenticity. The feature is expected to benefit businesses, influencers, and public entities, ensuring secure and trusted interactions. The platform will also include tools for reporting suspicious accounts, thereby reducing fraudulent activity.
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