Telegram News- After Telegram is closed, these apps will make your work easier, they have tremendous benefits, so let's know about them
We have recently heard that Telegram, one of the popular instant messaging apps in India, which has gained a lot of popularity in a very short time, is going to be closed very soon, the reason for which is the arrest of the Telegram CEO and founder Pavel Durov in Paris, but he was later released on bail. Along with this, Telegram is facing an investigation by the Government of India regarding its security policies. If any lapse related to national security is found, then there may be a possible ban on the app in India. But don't worry if this happens, many apps give better features than Telegram, let's know about them -
The world's most popular instant messaging app WhatsApp has more than 3 billion users globally, it is famous for its end-to-end encryption, which ensures that your messages remain secure. Packed with several features, including group chat, voice and video calls, status updates, and even online payments.
ThickClient is a notable option for those who prioritize security. This messaging app offers full encryption for your messages and includes features similar to WhatsApp, such as group chat, voice and video calls, and status updates.
Signal is another great option that's known for its strong security measures. Like WhatsApp, Signal offers end-to-end encryption to protect your messages.
Mattermost isn't as widely recognized as WhatsApp or Telegram, but it's a robust messaging platform geared toward business use. It offers high-level security and encryption for messages, and its focus on security and business collaboration makes it a viable option for professional settings.