Technology: During calling you will hear a voice 'pick up the call', even silent mode will fail..

Many times it happens that your friend or partner ignores calls. In such a situation, if there is any important talk, then that too is left out. But now you will not have this problem. Now even if the other person's phone is silent, the phone will ring and you can ask them to pick up the call during calling. For this, you just have to do this setting on your phone.
This setting has to be turned on on the phone
For this, you have to do a small setting on the phone. For this, first of all, you have to install the Ten Ten Close Friends only app on your and your partner's or friends' phone. After this, you have to log in to this app. You can log in by entering your basic details in it. In this app, you get a PIN through which you can connect your friends with it.
After this, whatever you say by long pressing on your friend's profile, he will hear everything on his phone. For this, he will not even need to keep this app on. This app keeps working in the background as well.
Keep one thing in mind this is a third-party app, so read its reviews and ratings once before launching it. You will find the user experience of many users on Google.
What is the difference between voicemail and app?
You can send a voicemail to anyone when the call is disconnected. But through this app, you can send your message only during the ring of the call. In a way, it gives the benefit of live calling or real-time voice call.
Google Play Store and Apple App Store
More than 50 lakh people have downloaded this app from Google Play Store. This app has got 4.5 rating on the platform. This app will also be easily available on the Apple App Store.
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