Tech Update: These gadgets listen to you 24 hours, so be careful..
Many times you talk to your friends and an advertisement for the same item starts appearing on your social media account. You start wondering how this happened. Your phone is listening to you 24 hours. Smart TVs, smart speakers, and other smart gadgets are doing the same thing.
Research has claimed that gadgets that have built-in microphones are spying on users 24 hours a day. After listening to your views, a data bank is being prepared, and then based on this data, advertisements are being shown in real-time. Many times we start seeing advertisements on social media even for those products about which we have never searched on the internet.
Such advertisements are being shown with the help of smart gadgets. Smart gadgets listen to you and then advertising agencies target you. In such a situation, you should be careful with all those gadgets in which voice commands are given.
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