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Tech Tips: WhatsApp is running out of data, change this setting immediately...

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If your mobile data also runs out quickly, then this news is for you. Today we will tell you the way to save the data that is running out quickly. Billions of people in the country and the world use WhatsApp.

Through this, people send all kinds of files, from photos to videos. During this, both mobile data and battery are consumed quickly, but you can fix it. The first way to save data is to change the call settings. Go to the settings of the WhatsApp app and turn on low data use.

You will find this setting in Storage and Data under the name of Use Less Data for Calls option. The second setting is that you have to take care of some things while sending photos and videos. It would be better if you send fewer photos and videos to anyone in HD. It would be better if you send fewer photos and videos to anyone in HD.