Tech Tips: Mail arrives but you can't find it? Turn on this setting on your phone..

If you have an iPhone, then you will not miss any important mail. For this, you just have to turn on a small setting on your phone. After this, no mail will be able to escape your eyes. Many times mail arrives on the phone but you do not even know about it. When you check after 2-3 days, it is lying there. But by then its date has expired. In such a situation, if you do not want that you also suffer any loss due to not being able to see the mail on time, then quickly turn on this setting.
Follow these steps
For this, you do not have to do much, just go to the settings of your iPhone. In the settings, you have to search by typing fetch in the search bar. The fetch new data option will come in front of you.
Click on this option. You will go to the next page. Here also you will see the fetch new data option, click on it.
It is set to automatically. You have to change this setting. Automatic, your Gmail refreshes in the background only when the phone is connected to the net or WiFi. By removing this setting, you can change it to any of the options given here. You can set it to refresh manually or in 30 minutes or 15 minutes.
Use of Magnifier Camera
After the settings mentioned above, you can use another special feature of the iPhone. You can make your work easier by using the Magnifier camera on iPhone. For this, go to the Apps section and search by typing Magnifier. After this, the Magnifier camera icon will show up. Click on it and now you can use the camera. This camera works just like a normal camera.
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