Supreme Court rejects demand to postpone CA exam, know when the exam will be held

The Supreme Court on Monday rejected a petition seeking postponement of the examinations conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) given the Lok Sabha elections. The petitioner had argued that holding the examination on election days could create various difficulties for students, including travel problems, crowding near polling stations, and security concerns. However, the Supreme Court refused to accept this argument saying that there is no conflict between the dates of examination and elections.
What the court said:
The court clarified that students should plan their voting based on the examination schedule. Additionally, the court noted that ICAI has already made arrangements to assist in such situations.
Exam Dates for CA Exams:
CA Intermediate Group I exam will be conducted on the 3rd, 5th, and 9th May 2024.
CA Intermediate Group II exam will be conducted on 11, 15, and 17 May 2024.
Apart from this, CA Final Exam will also be conducted in two groups:
The final examination of Group I will be conducted on May 2, 4 and 8, 2024.
Group II final examination will be conducted on 10, 14, and 16 May 2024.
Furthermore, the International Taxation Assessment Test will be conducted on 14th and 16th May 2024.
The exam is to be held three times:
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has announced that the CA Foundation and CA Intermediate examinations will now be conducted thrice a year. Earlier these examinations were conducted twice a year. This information was given by ICAI member Dheeraj Khandelwal. Additionally, from now on students will also have the option to choose between Hindi or English medium to answer the Foundation, Intermediate, and Final examinations.
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