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Social Media Tips: How to control social media addiction, know here..

social media

Most of the people are present on social media today. Many people use some or the other platform of social media. While social media is beneficial on the one hand, on the other hand, the habit of social media can also be very bad. People use many social media platforms because of phones and internet.

To control this, use social media only when necessary. You can set some time in the day to distance yourself from social media. By doing this, the habit will gradually decrease. There is a screen time mode on the phone. You can use this mode to stay away from social media. This mode can reduce addiction. If you are troubled by the habit of social media, then you can remove unnecessary apps and files from the phone.

If you are engaged on some or the other platform of social media throughout the day, then you can take the help of a qualified professional, this can give quick benefits.