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Smartphone Tips: People are not buying new smartphones, companies have only this option to survive..

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There is a plan to focus on AI and personalization in smartphones. The past year has not been anything special for smartphone brands. Brands are resorting to AI to build a strong hold on customers. Smartphone companies are bringing features that can connect customers more. Mobiles with which customers are comfortable. According to experts, to strengthen the customer hold for smartphones, companies will have to depend on channel-based incentives for boosts and upgrades. In today's time, most people prefer to buy refurbished phones.

This is the state of the market when market researchers expect an increase in disposable income after income tax relief and repo rate changes from the government and RBI.

The state of smartphone companies

The smartphone industry expected in 2021 that a record number of smartphone buyers would go for an upgrade in 2024. Which could not happen due to inflationary pressure. The better durability of the handset has also contributed to a longer replacement cycle. Which has increased from 2.5 years before the pandemic to four years by the end of 2024.

According to a survey by a market research firm, 89 percent of customers who bought devices during the pandemic (2020-21) have replaced them before May 2024 or are planning to do so in the next 12 months.

Expect changes from AI and personalization.

If smartphone brands focus on AI and personalization, then changes can be expected. During this time, customers want better AI support in their smartphones. If they get better AI features tools at a lower price, then they can turn to them. Only AI features can play an important role in getting customers to buy a new phone. Smartphone brands are also understanding this. In such a situation, companies are preparing to focus on AI and personalization.

Increased dominance of refurbished phones

Nowadays most people are going more towards refurbished phones than buying a new smartphone. The reason behind this could be the high price of smartphones. Refurbished phones are not used much, so people are satisfied with those devices for one or two years.

Smartphone brands in 2025

If users upgrade to high-end smartphone brands, then smartphone sales will see growth in 2025. Experts expect the market to grow 2-3 percent to 160 million units in 2025, while Counterpoint Research expects a growth of 4 percent from 153 million units in 2024.

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