Smartphone Tips: If your phone is slow and hanging and bothers you, then you just have to change these settings..
If the phone runs slow, then there is a lot of difficulty in doing any work. Every task gets stuck and hence any task on the phone takes a lot of time. The smoother the phone runs, the more fun it is to use it. But as the phone starts getting old, many types of problems start appearing little by little. One of these is the phone hanging.
Some people feel that if the phone starts hanging, it means that now the phone has become useless and it is time to buy a new one. But this is not so, because sometimes the problem of hanging can be fixed by looking at some small things.
Phone storage- If the phone storage is full or is already very low, then there can be a problem with the phone slowing down. If there is less space in the phone and you are continuously working on it, it may take time to process things.
Low RAM- Different RAM is given in the phone and its price is accordingly. The less RAM there is in the phone, the lower its price. If the RAM is low and you are running heavy apps or putting a lot of load on the phone, then the phone will start slowing down.
Software update- New OS updates are constantly available for every phone so that bugs can be fixed and performance can be improved. Some people do not install new OS to save phone space. So if your phone is working on an old operating system, then your phone can slow down.
Overheating- In the scorching heat, it is often seen that the phone starts hanging. This happens due to overheating. If the phone is getting very hot, then it can cause the problem of hanging.
If you think that all these cannot be the reason, then it is possible that in some cases the phone starts slowing down due to hardware problems.
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