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SIP: You can create a fund of Rs 1,00,36,123 by investing just Rs 6,000 every month, understand the complete calculation..

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SIP investment plan: In today's time, due to rising inflation, everyone can secure the future of themselves and their family by investing. In such a situation, if you are also looking for a way to invest, then this news can be very useful for you. Today we are going to tell you about a great way to invest in SIP (SIP investment scheme). Under this, you can get bumper returns on investing a very small amount. Know the full details of this scheme in the news.

Benefits of investing through SIP-

Investing in the stock market is a risky investment option (SIP investment plan), due to which most people are afraid to invest in it. But if you invest indirectly instead of directly in the share market (Share market investment), then you can reduce its risk. You can reduce the risk by investing in mutual funds (Mutual funds investment). It is not at all necessary that you invest only a lump sum amount in mutual funds. You can also invest in mutual funds every month through SIP.

Know the complete process of making 6 thousand to 1 crore-

If you invest in a mutual fund SIP, then you can get up to 50 percent annual return on it. On the other hand, if the condition of the stock market remains good, then the interest received on the investment can also increase. In SIP (sip calculator), you can be given about a 12 percent annual return in the long term.

If we talk about the return under this scheme, if you put an amount of 6 thousand rupees every month in SIP, then within 24 years you will have a fund of Rs 1,00,36,123 (mutual fund calculator). In this scheme, you would have invested a total of Rs 17,28,000 and you are given an interest of 83,08,123 on this amount.

Keep this in mind-

If you invest in mutual fund SIP (investment tips), then you should pay attention to some important things. First of all, you should know that you are not given any fixed return on SIP. You can be given a return of up to 20 percent in SIP.

Apart from this, if we talk about negative return (negative return kya h), then you can also be given a negative return of 10 percent. You also have to pay long-term capital gains tax on the total return received through SIP. The central government has increased the long term capital gains tax from 10 percent to 12.5 percent this year.

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