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SEBI Update: SEBI changed the rule related to the stock market, now this work will have to be completed in the working day..

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Stock market regulator SEBI has revised the time limit for credit rating agencies by introducing compliance deadlines in 'working days' instead of 'days'. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in a circular announced changes in the rules for CRAs with the aim of standardizing the rating process and publishing protocol. These changes have been made based on the recommendations of a working group on credit rating agencies. The working group highlighted the challenges arising from the existing deadlines, especially on non-working days.

SEBI said, "One of the recommendations of the CRA working group for ease of doing business relates to the amendment of the approach to specifying deadlines to 'working days' instead of 'days'."

What were the rules earlier, what has changed now

Under the revised rules, credit rating agencies are required to issue press releases on rating actions within seven working days of the occurrence of an event, which was earlier than seven calendar days. Similarly, the time limit for review of rating in cases of delay in loan servicing has been adjusted from two calendar days to two working days. Apart from this, SEBI has also reduced the time limit for marking the rating as 'issuer not cooperating' if the non-default statement i.e. 'NDS' is not submitted for three consecutive months to five working days instead of seven calendar days.

Let us tell you that the Securities Exchange Board of India issues new guidelines from time to time to maintain transparency in the stock market and protect the interests of investors. Apart from this, SEBI also takes action to impose fines on brokers or big companies carrying out illegal activities in the stock market. Recently, in the case of front running, SEBI has imposed fines on many big investors and brokers and has also banned them from working in the stock market.

Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from News 18 hindi. While we have made modifications for clarity and presentation, the original content belongs to its respective authors and website. We do not claim ownership of the content.