india employmentnews

RAS Exam 2025: RPSC released admit cards for the RAS pre exam


If you are also preparing for the RAS pre exam then this news is useful for you. Yes, the Rajasthan Public Service Commission has released a new update of the admit card for the examination to be held across the state from February 2. It has been told in the notification issued that all the candidates can download their admit cards by visiting the official website of the commission https://Rpsc.Rajasthan.Gov.In.

When will the exam be conducted?

The preliminary examination of the Rajasthan Public Service Commission will be held on 2 February 2024. Which will be conducted in a single shift. For this, RPSC is constantly giving updates. Let us tell you that RPSC is conducting the exam for 744 posts on 2 February. In which 346 posts are under state service and 387 posts are under subordinate service.

After successful completion of the application process, the Preliminary Examination will be conducted on 2nd February 2024 (Sunday) from 12.00 PM to 3.00 PM in a single shift.