Rajasthan Public Service Commission issued these special instructions for the exam day in the RAS Prelims Exam 2024

RPSC has released the admit cards for the RAS Prelims Exam 2024. At the same time, this time RPSC has also issued many strict instructions for the aspirants. In such a situation, if you are going to give the paper, then definitely read these instructions.
RAS (Rajasthan Administrative Service) Prelims Exam 2024 will be conducted by the Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) on 2 February 2025. This exam will be held in a single shift, which will run from 12 noon to 3 pm. RPSC has released the admit card for this exam on 30 January 2025. Candidates can now download their admit card from the official website of RPSC (rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in).
RAS Prelims Exam Information
There will be only one paper in this exam, which will be objective type and will have a total of 200 marks. This exam is conducted as a screening test only. Its standard will be of graduation degree level. The duration of the exam will be 3 hours.
RPSC RAS Prelims Exam 2024: Pay special attention to these things on the day of examination
-Arrive on time: Candidates have to reach the examination center 60 minutes before the start of the exam. After this, no candidate will be allowed to enter the examination center.
-Security check and identification process: After reaching the examination center, the candidates will have to go through the security check and identification process.
-Identity card is necessary: Candidates have to bring their colored and original Aadhar card for identification. If the photo of the Aadhar card is not old or clear, then the candidate has to bring any other photo identity card like driving license, passport, or voter ID card, which has a clear and new photo.
-Admit card is mandatory: Candidates will be required to bring their admit card to the examination center. Without an admit card, entry will not be allowed in the examination center.
-Fifth option of answer copy: All the candidates will get an additional 10 minutes to fill the fifth option of the answer copy.
How to download the RAS Prelims Admit Card
-First of all, candidates visit the official website of RPSC (rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in).
-Click on the link "RAS Prelims Admit Card 2024" on the homepage of the website.
-After this a new page will open, in which the candidates have to fill in their login information.
-After logging in, candidates can see their admit card.
-Download the admit card and keep a printout of it.
Recruitment process and important dates
This recruitment is being conducted to fill a total of 733 posts. The registration process of this process started on 19 September 2024 and ended on 18 October 2024. Candidates can get more information related to recruitment by visiting the RPSC website.