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QR Code Alert: QR codes can make you bankrupt, must know the details..

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Cyber ​​fraud is done with people through QR codes. Hackers run phishing campaigns through QR codes. Fraudsters add their conditioning to the QR code. It has different templates, through which scams are done. Single people and companies are targeted with QR codes.

Cyber ​​scammers resort to authentication updates for phishing attacks. Criminals take the help of email for this. In such emails, the logo of a company is often used fraudulently. In QR code scams, fraudsters take information from people. Scammers ask people to update their email in a hurry with the help of fake emails, logo, and companies.

As soon as the QR code sent by the fraud is opened in the message, all the information of the user reaches the scammers. In such a situation, if you are asked to do any work quickly in the message, then be cautious. Otherwise, users can suffer a big loss. Do not open any message with a QR code and if you become a victim, immediately seek help from cyber helpline number 1930.

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