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Property Tips: Do daughters have rights over their father's property after marriage? Know what the law says..

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In India, girls are often said to be "paraya dhan" because they leave their father's house after marriage and go to their husband's house. Therefore, it is believed that they do not have rights over their father's property. But do daughters have no rights over their father's property or do they lose their rights over their father's property after marriage?

If you want to know the answer to this, then let us tell you that the Government of India passed the Hindu Succession Act in 1956. This act was related to the division of property in India. Under this law, laws related to property division, succession, and inheritance among Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs have been decided.

According to the Hindu Succession Act of 1956, daughters had no rights over their father's property.

Daughter's rights over property (Property Rights of Daughter)

The government amended this act in 2005 which is known as the Hindu Succession Act 2005. According to this, daughters also get equal rights as sons on their father's property. But what does this act say in the case of married daughters? Do married daughters also have rights on their father's property?

Daughters also have equal rights on the father's property.
After the amendment in the Hindu Succession Act in 2005, in the case of a married daughter, the daughter has been considered an equal heir in the property. That is, before the year 2005, daughters did not get a share in their father's property after marriage, but after the amendment in the Hindu Succession Act 1956 in the year 2005, daughters also get equal rights in their father's property.

When do daughters not get rights to their father's property?

If the father has made a will while alive, in which he has given the entire property in the name of the son, then the daughter cannot claim or claim any kind of right on the property. But in the absence of a will, she can claim her right to the property.

The daughter has the right to ancestral property, but, she has the first right on the property that the father has created himself. Therefore, the father can give his property to anyone as per his wish.

If any criminal case is registered on the father's property, then the daughter or any other member of the family cannot claim rights over it.

Let us tell you that the Bombay High Court had said in a decision last month that if the father died before the Hindu Succession Act came into force in 1956, then the daughters have no right over the father's property. According to the court, since the person died before the 1956 Act came into force, his property was distributed according to the laws prevailing at the time of his death, which do not recognize daughters as heirs.

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