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PM Vishwakarma Yojana: You can also get this benefit in PM Vishwakarma Yojana, just have to do a small work


The central government runs many types of schemes and people also get the benefit of these schemes. One such scheme is PM Vishwakarma Yojana. Under this scheme, craftsmen and artisans are not only given training. But they are also given a loan of up to 3 lakhs. So let's know about it.

These are the conditions.

If you are associated with this scheme and want to take a loan, then some conditions have to be fulfilled for this. Those beneficiaries who complete the basic training under the scheme. They can take a loan of up to one lakh rupees. Those who take a loan of one lakh rupees first and continue it smoothly then can take a loan of up to two lakh rupees. To take the loan, you have to do digital transactions in your business.

You can get information from here.

In the scheme, you have to repay a loan of one lakh in 18 months. Only after that, you get a loan of 2 lakhs. Which has to be repaid in 30 months. You get a discount on interest on the loan. For information about the loan under the scheme, you can call the official helpline of the scheme 18002677777.