New path of education after Covid, increased competition between government and private schools, huge jump in digital literacy

After COVID-19, competition between government and private schools has intensified and the level of education has seen improvement. The report has revealed improvement in digital literacy and children's education.
The increase in enrollment in government schools during the COVID-19 pandemic is now gradually decreasing. According to the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) for the year 2024, the enrollment level has now returned to the pre-pandemic situation.
The report said that competition between government and private schools in rural India has once again intensified and in some states, record improvement has also been seen in the level of education of children.
Due to the pandemic, many families turned to government schools for economic reasons, but now as the situation is getting normal, enrollment in private schools is increasing. In 2006, the enrollment of private schools in rural India was only 18.7%, which increased to 30.8% in 2018. Now after the pandemic, when the economic situation has improved, the trend towards private schools has increased once again.
Improvement in the level of education
The report also states that the deep impact on children's education during the pandemic has now improved to a great extent. Especially in states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu, the level of education has improved. These states have proved that with better policies and efforts, the learning ability of children can be improved even after the pandemic.
Rise of digital literacy
The report also emphasizes digital literacy. 82.2% of children aged 14 to 16 reported using smartphones, of which 57% used them for educational purposes. However, 76% also said that they spend more time on social media, but this is an indication that digital literacy is increasing, which can bring a new change in the field of education.
Decline in the number of children going to school at an early age
Another important figure has come to light in this, according to which the proportion of children aged 5 years or less in the first class was 25.6% in 2018, which has now come down to 16.7%. This change shows that now older children are entering schools, increasing the possibility of better stability and results in their education.
Changes in education after the pandemic
This report has also made it clear that many important changes have taken place in the education sector after the pandemic. States have taken corrective steps and have also taken many policy initiatives. The increasing competition between government and private schools shows that now a new era has begun in the field of education, where the country's education system is taking a new turn by moving towards better quality and results.