New features in Telegram, along with scanning QR code, you will be able to react to the message with emojis
To improve Telegram, everything from QR code to message reaction feature has been added. Read the news below to know more about them.
Telegram has added many features simultaneously to the platform for the convenience of its users. These include QR code scanners, message reactions, emoji etc. These will improve the user experience. Also, it will be fun to run the app. This update will give competition to WhatsApp.
According to Telegram, now users will be able to convert gifts into collectibles, which they will be able to transfer to other users and also make them available for auction on the NFT marketplace. The company says that collectibles have background color, icon and number traits, which will give the item a different design.
Search filters and service message reactions
Now users will be able to easily search any message through search filters in Telegram's group, private and channel. Apart from this, users will get the facility to react to any message through emoji. Using these features will make it easier to operate the app.
Other features
Verification facility will now be available in the messaging app Telegram. If a user gets third-party verification, a small logo will appear near his name. However, this will be different from the verification badges of public figures and organizations. This will improve transparency on the platform.
Now talking about the QR code feature, its support will be available in the in-app camera. Through this, users will now be able to open their favorite links in the app. There will be no need to switch the app for this.
Who will be able to use the features
Both Android and iPhone users will be able to use all the features mentioned above. You can also use the features mentioned above by updating the app.
Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from techlusive. While we have made modifications for clarity and presentation.