New Feature: These three amazing features are coming in WhatsApp, and the way of using AI will change..
New Feature: These three amazing features are coming in WhatsApp and the way usaMeta-owned WhatsApp has seen tremendous changes in recent years. From a simple messaging app to being equipped with AI technology, its evolution has been spectacular. In 2024, WhatsApp introduced several revolutionary features and upgrades, including the integration of Meta AI, which completely changed the way conversations are conducted on the platform. Now in 2025, some exciting features of Meta AI are being prepared for WhatsApp, which will make the user experience even more seamless. Let's know about them...
Upcoming Meta AI Features for WhatsApp
1. Meta AI Shortcut- WhatsApp is working on a shortcut button that will provide instant access to the Meta AI chatbot within the app. With the help of this shortcut button, users can easily use Meta AI to solve their problems, get suggestions, and more. This button will now be available on the Chats tab, which will increase its visibility and make it easier for users to access it. Currently, this feature is in the testing phase on iOS and may soon be available to public users.
2. Forwarding messages to Meta AI- Under this new feature, users can now forward their messages to Meta AI to get a more in-depth context of the text. Users can send any media or message to Meta AI or copy-paste the text. This feature will also help users to check spam or scam messages and confirm the facts related to the message. In simple words, it will be a way of fact check. This feature is currently being developed for Android users and can be launched in the upcoming weeks.
3. Meta AI Chat Memory- This is another advanced feature, which gives the AI chatbot the ability to remember some facts about users. The chatbot will be able to remember the user's conversation style, birthday, likes-dislikes, and other preferences. This will allow the chatbot to give more personalized responses to the user. Users can ask Meta AI to remember specific information by giving commands like "remember this".ing AI will change..
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