Loan Tips: Loan application is getting rejected again and again? Know what things you need to keep in mind before applying..
Many times we suddenly need money. There can be many reasons for this. Such as medical emergency, marriage, or buying a house or car. But, sometimes even after completing all the paperwork, the bank rejects your loan application. Due to the strict rules of RBI, banks can now investigate thoroughly before giving a loan and reject the application in case of even the slightest discrepancy.
If you are taking a loan for an emergency, then many problems can arise if the application is rejected. Your work may stop, and you may have to take a loan from somewhere at a high interest rate. Let us know why loan applications are rejected and what steps can be taken to avoid this.
What can cause a loan application to be rejected?
Banks or non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) also give reasons for rejecting loan applications. Such as low credit score or low income. Many times, the application also gets rejected due to reasons like not being able to work in one place. If there is any mistake in your credit report, then there is a possibility of the application being rejected.
It is important to keep checking your credit score.
Any financial institution will first check your credit score or CIBIL score before giving a loan. A credit score of 750 is considered good. If the score is less than this, then you should not apply for a loan for some time. You should also not make repeated inquiries. You should focus completely on improving your credit score. The outstanding EMI and credit card bills should be paid on time. After some time your credit score will improve.
Avoid applying at many places simultaneously.
If your loan application gets rejected from one place, then you should wait a little before applying at another place. Every time you apply for a loan or credit card, your details are recorded in the credit report. In this situation, you should avoid applying for a loan from more than one company at the same time. Otherwise, the financial institution will feel that you want to take the loan at any cost. In such a situation, they can reject your application or give you the loan at higher interest.