Laptop not charging even after plugging it in? Following these steps, the problem will be solved in a moment.

Many times the laptop does not charge even after plugging in. There is no need to panic in such a situation. This problem can be solved by taking care of some small things or by trying some methods.
The laptop is such a device, which is used continuously for a long time after charging once. Some people keep it plugged in continuously, while some charge it when they get a notification of a low battery. Many times it also happens that the laptop battery does not charge even after charging. Today we know about the reason behind this and the solution to this problem.
Check the plug-in
This may sound like a small thing, but many times in a hurry people forget to plug in the charging cable properly. So make sure that the cable is properly plugged in and the button is on. Many times a big problem can be avoided with this small precaution.
Check the cable too
If the laptop battery is not charging even after plugging in, then the power cord needs to be checked. Make sure that the power cord is not cut from anywhere. Apart from this, if there is a joint somewhere in the middle of the wire, then check it properly.
Use a compatible charger
If a charger is fitting in the charging port of the laptop, it does not mean that it is compatible with the laptop. Sometimes low watt chargers are not able to charge the laptop. In such a situation, use another charger. If there is no problem anywhere, then it will charge the laptop.
Keep an eye on the health of the battery
Sometimes the battery stops charging when it is old or damaged. Therefore, if your laptop is old and its battery has also become old, then it would be beneficial to replace it with a new battery. If the laptop has a removable battery, then once you remove it, press the power button of the device for some time. Now you can try to turn on the laptop by inserting the battery again. Sometimes this method works.
Protect from heat
The battery is sensitive to heat. If the laptop is overheating, it can cause problems for the battery. When it gets hot, the battery sensors do not work. Due to this, sometimes there can be problems in charging the battery. For this, keep the system off for a while and then try charging.
Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from abplive. While we have made modifications for clarity and presentation.