Investment Tips: Just remember these 4 things about investment and you will never have tension about money in life..

Investment Tips: It is said that money makes money. Therefore, if you want to save money for the future, you have to invest. The sooner you start investing, the better your future will be. Most financial experts recommend saving 20 to 30 percent of your money and investing it. But the question is where to invest from your first salary. Know the 4 priorities in terms of investment, keeping in mind, that if you start investing, then financial problems will never come in your life and if they come, you will not know when they will go away.
Start with an emergency fund.
In this case, financial advisor Deepti Bhargava says that the first thing to do from the first salary should be to prepare an emergency fund. There is not much security in a new job. In such a situation, it cannot be said when and what kind of problem will come in front of you. Emergency funds are very useful in case of any emergency like job loss, business shutdown, or any big trouble in the family. If you have an emergency fund, then you will neither need to break any of your policies nor will you need to ask for money from anyone. Deepti says that any person should keep money equal to his six months' salary as an emergency fund. This fund should not be a part of your investment or savings. Keep this fund in a place where it is easily available to you. You can also deposit it in a bank by making an FD and breaking it at the time.
Health Insurance
The second priority should be health insurance. Most young investors do not consider it their responsibility to take medical insurance. But it is very important. When a problem arises regarding health, a lot of your money is spent and it takes time for people to recover from it. Therefore, be prepared to deal with these situations in advance. If your parents are elderly, they may also have to visit hospitals at this age. If you do not prepare yourself for these situations, you will have to face problems later. Therefore, buy health insurance with your first salary. One advantage of investing in insurance early is that you can get good coverage at a low premium.
Start SIP
After doing both these tasks, now you have to make money to secure your future; for this, invest whatever amount you have saved from your salary in different places. Do include SIP in these investment options. SIP is considered a better means of investment in today's time. Through SIP, you can add a good amount of money in the long run. The sooner you start SIP, the more time you will get for investment and the bigger fund you can easily create. You can start investing in SIP from Rs 500, but you should start a SIP of at least Rs 2000 to Rs 5000 and continue it for a long time. If you start SIP from Rs 2000, then you can increase it or start a new SIP when your salary increases.
Investment in schemes with guaranteed returns
SIP is a market-linked scheme in which the returns are good, but there is some risk. Therefore, you should also include those schemes in your portfolio which give guaranteed returns. In such a situation, you can invest money by choosing RD, PPF, FD, or any scheme of post office in your portfolio. Choose such investments according to different tenures so that if you ever need money, you can fulfill them through these schemes. Schemes with long-term goals do not have to be stopped midway.