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Instagram Tips- Instagram does not work in these countries of the world, know which are those countries


In today's digital world, smartphones have become an important part of our lives, and various types of social media apps present in them have become a means of your entertainment, in such a situation, if we talk about Instagram, then it has emerged as the most popular app in the world, which is used to watch reels. Despite its global reach, many countries have banned or restricted Instagram for political, security, or regulatory reasons. Let's know about these countries-

China - Instagram has been banned in China since 2014, mainly due to government control over social media.

North Korea - Like most foreign social media platforms, Instagram is also completely banned in North Korea.

Uganda - Instagram faced temporary restrictions in Uganda during political unrest, but the ban was later lifted.

Russia - In March 2022, Russia blocked Instagram as part of its wider restrictions on Western social media platforms.

Turkmenistan – Internet access is highly restricted in Turkmenistan, and Instagram, along with other social media platforms, is still blocked.

Iran and Bangladesh – Instagram has faced bans and restrictions at different times in both Iran and Bangladesh, often for political and regulatory reasons.

Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from [abplivehindi].