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In how many days will your money multiply? These 3 formulas will tell you in a jiffy


Middle-class people calculate the return on investment in such a way that in how many days the money will double, triple, or quadruple. 3 investment formulas 72, 114, and 144 can help in this calculation. Let's know about them in detail.

Using investment formula 72, you can know in how many days your money will double. You have to divide 72 by the rate of interest received on the investment. Let's assume that you are getting 7.25 percent interest on the investment. In this way, if you divide 72 by 7.25, you will get 9.93. Meaning it will take 9.93 years for your money to double, that is about 119 months.

Using investment formula 114, you can know in how many days your money will triple. You have to divide 114 by the rate of interest you get on your investment. Let's assume you are getting 7.25 percent interest on your investment. In this way, if you divide 114 by 7.25, you will get 15.7. This means it will take 15.7 years or about 186 months for your money to triple.

Using the investment formula 144, you can know in how many days your money will quadruple. You have to divide 144 by the rate of interest you get on your investment. Let's assume you are getting 7.25 percent interest on your investment. In this way, if you divide 144 by 7.25, you will get 19.8. This means it will take 19.8 years for your money to quadruple.

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