How many credit cards can a person keep, what are the rules for this?
Credit Card Limit: This question also comes to the mind of many people regarding credit cards. How many credit cards can a person keep? Has any limit been fixed for this? So let us tell you.
Credit Card Limit: Earlier when people had to buy something. So it was necessary to have a balance in their account for that. But now even if the balance of people's accounts is less. Even then you can buy your favorite thing. Because now you can use a credit card for this. Many banks in India issue credit cards. You do not have to do much to get a credit card.
You apply for it. After the verification process, the card is issued to you. Especially when people have to buy something on EMI. So in such a situation, a credit card comes in handy. This question also comes to the mind of many people regarding credit cards. How many credit cards can a person keep? Has any limit been fixed for this? So let us tell you.
Is there any limit for credit cards?
If you also use a credit card. And you also have a question in your mind that whether any limit has been fixed for keeping credit card. Then let us tell you that no such limit has been fixed by RBI. That is, a person can keep as many credit cards as he wants. He can get a credit card from whichever bank he wants.
Who can get more credit cards?
The process of giving credit card and loan is almost the same, in both, banks and non-banking financial companies look at your CIBIL score. If your CIBIL score is good. Then there is a possibility of you getting more credit cards. But if your CIBIL score is low. Then your chances of getting a credit card also decrease.
Banks have rules
Generally, anyone can keep as many credit cards as he wants. But banks have rules regarding this. That is, the bank gives only one credit card to a person. But some banks have different rules in this.