Has the phone been stolen? Do these 6 things in your first free time

Try locating a tracking app or using Find My iPhone for iOS or Find My Device for Android devices.
Secure your accounts
If accounts are linked in your phone, change their passwords immediately. Apart from this, social media, banking and shopping accounts also.
Deactivate the sim
Immediately after the phone is stolen, call your mobile carrier to inform them that the phone has been stolen, so that they can deactivate the SIM.
Report to police
After phone theft, lodge a complaint at the nearest police station.
Remote wipe feature
If your phone cannot be recovered and it contains sensitive data, then use the remote wipe feature. From here all your data will be removed remotely.
Keep an eye on accounts
After your phone is stolen, keep an eye on your accounts to make sure nothing is happening that you have not done.
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