Gold Purity: Identify real and fake gold sitting at home, know the method..

Gold check: The price of gold jewelry is often very high. There are also adulterating sellers in the market, which can affect the purity of gold (gold purity test). In such a situation, it is important for the buyer to ensure that he is buying the real metal. For this, there are some easy tips, by trying which at home you can identify the real and fake gold.
That's why it is important to identify gold.
There are many simple ways to identify the authenticity of gold. Some of these methods can be tried by everyone at home as well. Some experts have suggested easy ways, by which the purity of gold can be checked (tips to check original gold). By adopting these measures, any person can know whether the gold he has is real or fake. It is important to know the purity of gold to avoid being cheated.
Identify the purity of gold from the hallmark.
When you buy jewelry, to ensure that it is real, a special mark of its hallmark (Gold Hallmark) should be seen. This mark indicates the quality and purity of gold. This mark is according to different standards, which tell the purity of gold (Gold hallmark stamp). With this mark, you can know how much pure gold you have, such as on different scales it can be up to 10k, 14k, 18k, 22k, or 24k.
Checking gold with vinegar
Vinegar can also be used to check the purity of gold. Pour a small amount of vinegar on gold and observe it after some time. If the color of gold (how to check pure gold) does not change, then it will be real. On the contrary, fake gold turns black as soon as it comes in contact with vinegar. This is a simple and effective method, which can be easily adopted at home as well.
Ways to check gold with a magnet
You can adopt some simple measures to know the truth of gold jewellery. One way is to bring a magnetic object near the jewellery and see. If the object sticks, then it cannot be gold. Another way is to rub it on a ceramic stone (check gold with ceramic stone). If black marks are formed by rubbing, then that jewellery is not real and if golden marks are formed then the jewellery is real.
Identification of gold in water
The method of identifying real and fake gold by putting jewelry in water is quite old and easy. If the jewellery starts floating in water, then that jewellery is not real (asli sona penchanne ki tips). Real metal is heavy and solid, so it will sink in water. This method indicates how high the density of gold is and how it behaves in water.
Other ways to identify gold
Another way to know the purity of gold is to test it with teeth. If you press the gold for some time, then teeth marks may appear, which identify real gold. Another method is the acid test, for which you can order a special kit online. This method is an effective and simple way to check the purity of gold.
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