Gas is consumed more in winter than in summer, save your cylinder in this way.
Gas Cylinder Using Tips: In winters, gas cylinders last much less than in summers. But we will tell you some tips that will save you gas. So let's know.
Gas Cylinder Using Tips: There was a time when food was cooked on earthen stoves in India. But now the environment has completely changed. Now food is cooked on gas stoves in almost every house in India. Cooking on gas stoves is very easy and it also takes very less time. Gas cylinders are used for this. Winters have also arrived in India. Gas is used a lot in winter. People have to eat everything hot in this season. Gas has to be lit for every small thing. That is why in winter, gas cylinders last much less than in summer. But we will tell you some tips that will save you gas. So let's know.
Use pressure cooker
You must have often seen people use pressure cooker to cook rice or lentils. Because things get cooked faster in it than in any other utensil. That is why when you cook food in winters, try to cook as many things as possible in a pressure cooker. Because food will cook faster in a cooker and less gas will be used. This will save the extra gas used in winters and your cylinder will last for longer.
Cook food with this type of utensil.
When you use a vessel with a thick bottom to cook food, more gas is used in it. And especially in winters, such utensils take a long time to heat up. That is why you should use a vessel with a thin bottom. By using this, your food will cook faster and you will also be able to save gas. Apart from this, cook food in winters by covering the utensil. This will boil the food quickly.
Do not cook too much food.
If you cook too much food in winters and you will not be able to eat it all. Then it will become cold. When you have to eat again, you will have to heat it again. And in this case your gas will be spent. So cook less food. This will save gas and you will not have to reheat it. Your cylinder will last longer.
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