Find out who has blocked you on WhatsApp in a jiffy using these methods

Nowadays every second user is using WhatsApp. In the digital age, WhatsApp is an instant way to reach any person. Through one message you can convey your message to your contact in any corner of the world. Do you also feel that you have been blocked regarding any contact? This can be detected easily.
Crores of people around the world are using WhatsApp. In the digital age, WhatsApp is an instant way to reach any person.
Through one message you can convey your message to your contact in any corner of the world. However, many times it happens when WhatsApp blocks a specific contact of the user and the user is not even aware of it.
If you are also doubting a specific contact, then you can check whether you have been blocked or not by following these methods-
Who has blocked you on WhatsApp?
Check the contact's last seen and online status
If you were able to check the last seen and online status of any of your contacts earlier, but not anymore, then you may have been blocked.
Contact status update
When blocked on WhatsApp, the blocked user stops seeing the status of the contact. If you are not able to see the status of any of your contacts for a long time, then you may have been blocked.
Profile photo appearing blank
If you are not able to see the profile photo of one of your contacts, it may be a sign that they have been blocked. However, sometimes some WhatsApp users like to keep their profile blank.
Tick mark on sending a message
If you have messaged any of your contacts on WhatsApp, but even after many days have passed, it is still visible with a gray tick, then understand that you have been blocked.
Call WhatsApp Contact
If you are not able to make WhatsApp calls to your WhatsApp contacts, then it can be considered a sign of blocking. When blocked, the receiver does not receive call messages.
Add contact to a new group
If you are an administrator of a group and are not able to add any of your specific contacts to the group, then it is a sign of being blocked.