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Do you have to pay the fee again after failing the driving test? Know the answer

Driving Licence: Earlier, after failing the driving test, you had to apply again within 1 week, but now there is no need to do so.


People often have many questions in their minds about getting a driving license. By the way, a driving license is issued only under a fixed procedure. The issuance of a license means that the transport department considers you eligible to drive a vehicle.

Let us tell you that driving licenses are issued in two ways. First of all, a learning license is issued to the driver. After this, you have to take a driving test.

A date is fixed for you to take the driving test, in such a situation, if you are not able to give the test on that date, will you have to pay the fee again? Let's know.

Earlier, after failing in the driving test, you had to apply again within 1 week, but now there is no need to do this, if you are unable to give the driving test for any reason, then your slot will be automatically cancelled.

After two days of which you will be able to apply again and for this you do not even need to pay the fee. But if you fail in the test, then you have to apply again within 1 week.

For this, you can go to the website of mParivahan and apply again and deposit the fee, after which you will get a chance to give the test again.

For more information, you can visit the transport website of the concerned state, where you will get new information related to fees and test.

Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from While we have made modifications for clarity and presentation.