Credit Card Tips: If you are troubled by credit cards then do this, unnecessary expenses will be stopped...
Sometimes people want to close their credit cards due to some reasons. There are many types of charges on some credit cards, due to which many people get upset. In such a situation, it seems right to close the credit card. Let us tell you that closing a credit card is not a very difficult task, it can be easily closed (How to close your Credit Card). It is possible that this will put a break on your unnecessary expenses and some extra money will be saved in the account. To close the credit card, you just have to follow these 5 easy steps.
1- First of all pay your dues
Before closing any credit card, you have to pay all its dues. Until you pay the outstanding amount, your credit card will not be closed, even if your dues are only a few rupees.
2- Redeem your reward points
Many people forget to redeem their reward points in a hurry to close their credit cards. You have earned reward points by spending so much money using that credit card. In such a situation, do not hesitate before redeeming the reward points while closing the card.
3- Check standing instructions
Many times people put standing instructions for some recurring payments on their credit cards, such as insurance premiums, OTT monthly charges, or something else. Before closing the card, make sure that there is no such instruction on it, otherwise, your payment may stop after the card is closed. If the premium stops, then your policy may be in danger.
4- Call the bank
The next step is that you have to call your credit card bank. You have to tell them that you want to close your card. The reason for closing the credit card may be asked by the bank, which you will have to answer. After this, after taking the necessary information, your request to close the credit card will be taken. The bank may ask you to send an email or ask you to cut the card and send a photo of it, so you will have to do that too.
5- Do not forget to cut the card
The most important thing to close your credit card is to cut it diagonally. Otherwise, if it falls into the wrong hands, it is possible that some of your information can be stolen or fraud can happen in your name. Do not just throw the card in the dustbin, first cut it and then throw it.