CBSE Exam News- CBSE 10th and 12th board exams will start on February 15, admit cards will be issued on this day

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has issued an official notice that the 10th and 12th board exams are going to start on February 15. After which the students are waiting for their exam admit card, let's know everything you need to know about the admit card release process and important information related to the exam-
CBSE 10th and 12th exam dates:
CBSE 10th exams will be held from February 15 to March 18, while 12th exams will be held from February 15 to April 4. Students should be ready for their exams.
Issuance of admit card:
CBSE will release the admit card soon, possibly by the first week of February, although the official release date has not been confirmed yet. Students appearing for the exam can download their hall tickets from the official website of CBSE,
Step-by-step guide to download the admit card:
Visit the official CBSE website:
Find and click on the link for the 10th/12th Board Exam 2025 Hall Ticket on the homepage.
For private students, enter the required information like registration number.
Once entered, your admit card will be displayed on the screen.
Review all the details, then download the admit card for future reference.
Important information:
Students will not be allowed to enter the exam center without their admit card. Along with the hall ticket, students must also bring their school ID card and Aadhaar card for identification purposes.
Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from [TV9hindi].