Career Tips: These are the career options after B.Tech in Computer Science, salary will be in lakhs with better future...

At present, the trend of B.Tech in Computer Science (CS) is increasing very fast in our country. The first choice of every B.Tech student and their parents is to do B.Tech in Computer Science. This is because after doing B. Tech in Computer Science, there are better career options available in comparison to other branches.
After doing B. Tech in Computer Science, you have the highest chances of getting a job with a better salary package. If you are also doing or want to do B. Tech in Computer Science, then you have opportunities for various jobs. You can check information about some of these from here.
Software Engineer
The best career option after doing B. Tech is a software engineer. In this, the work of developing new software, developing and managing applications, and programming for them is done. Along with this, there is coding, testing, and taking care of the problems that arise in the software. The demand for software engineers remains constant in various software companies and various places including IT consultancy. These companies hire you on packages worth lakhs as soon as the course is over.
Web Developer
After doing B. Tech in Computer Science, you can also become a web developer. The job of a web developer is to create and maintain the website. If there is any problem on the website, it is the job of the web developer to fix it and provide a better experience. In our country, the salary of a web developer starts from Rs 4 to Rs 5 lakh per year.
Data scientist
At present in our country, there is a huge demand for Data Scientists in various sectors like banking, healthcare, e-commerce, and other places. After doing B. Tech in Computer Science, you can make a career in this field also. Your starting salary for the post of Data Scientist can be Rs 5 to 6 lakh per year.
Apart from all this, candidates doing B. Tech in Computer Science can easily get jobs in the posts of Computer Network Engineer, Cyber Security Expert, Computer Science Blogger, Blockchain Developer, Artificial Intelligence Expert, IT Consultant, Game Developer etc. You can easily get an annual salary of Rs 5 lakh per annum in the initial stage itself. Salary increases continuously with time and experience.
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