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Can you change the photo in your Aadhaar card repeatedly? Know the rules

Aadhaar Photo Update Rules: How many times can one change his photo in his Aadhaar card? What are the rules of UIDAI regarding this? Can the photo be changed repeatedly?


It is very important for people living in India to have some documents. These documents are needed every day, somewhere or the other, some time or the other for some work. Without them, many works get stuck.

Out of documents like driving license, voter cards, PAN cards, ration cards and Aadhaar cards, the document that is used the most is the Aadhaar card. It is present with more than 90 percent of the population of the country.

While making Aadhaar card, many times people enter some wrong information. Which later becomes a cause of trouble for them. Because due to wrong information being entered, they are not able to use the Aadhaar card as a document.

But UIDAI, the Indian Government's institute that runs the Aadhaar card, gives you the facility to get it corrected. Not only this, you can also change your damaged photo along with the information in the Aadhaar card.

But this question also comes to people's mind that how many times can you change your photo in the Aadhaar card. So let us tell you that just like UIDAI has set a limit for updating some information in the Aadhaar card, there is no limit for changing the photo.

That is, you can change your photo in the Aadhaar card as many times as you want. However, every time you will have to pay a separate fee for this. And you can change it only by going to the Aadhaar center. For this, you will have to take an appointment first.

Not only the photo, you can also update your address and mobile number in the Aadhaar card as many times as you want. No limit has been set by UIDAI for these things.

Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from While we have made modifications for clarity and presentation.