Can a passport be made even after a criminal case is registered? Know this important thing.
More verification is done at the time of passport than the common identity proof. This includes police verification as well. Even a small mistake in the document can get your application canceled.
What is the first thing we need to travel? The answer is a passport. It has become such a document that not only works for traveling but also as an identity proof. In many documents, there is also an option of a passport instead of identity proof. This is the reason that in the last few years, the applications of people getting passports have increased. Especially the youth have become obsessed with getting passports and they are applying in large numbers.
However, more verification is done at the time of passport than the common identity proof. This includes police verification as well. Even a small mistake in the document can get your application canceled. In such a situation, whenever you go to get a passport, you have many questions in your mind. One of these questions is whether a passport can be made for a person against whom a criminal case has been registered or a case is going on in the court in any other matter. Let's know the answer to this...
What is the rule?
Many rules have been laid down for getting a passport. Similar rules are also in the case of court cases. Actually, when a case is pending against a person in the court, he can still apply for a passport. Such a person is issued a passport with the condition that he will have to take written permission from the concerned court regarding foreign travel. Such a person is usually issued a short-term passport valid for one year. However, it can also be renewed.
The applicant does not need permission from the court
In a similar case, the Allahabad High Court gave a historic verdict on January 10. The court had made it clear that if the verdict in the criminal case is pending, then the renewal of the passport cannot be stopped. Earlier, the court had also clarified that under the Indian Passport Act 1967, a person wishing to issue a passport is not required to take prior permission from the competent court, even if the person is facing criminal charges. However, if the person is planning to travel abroad, then permission will be required in such a situation.
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